Join Akuko

Please note that all readers are volunteer positions and there is no pay attached to agreeing to serve in this role.
Readers Should:
Love Reading—we will have submissions in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. A genuine love for at least one category is a must!
Available at least 2-3 hours a week—during our open submission window (August to November), we expect to receive a large number of submissions. Your role is to help us narrow the submissions down to potential contenders for our judges within that time frame.
Have a love for African culture and peoples—the mission of Akuko magazine is to elevate the African voice. We are looking for readers who believe in our mission so that we can achieve it.
While English and Creative Writing majors are highly valued, you don’t need to be a professional editor or writer to be a reader! We simply need people who appreciate the written word and feel they can identify quality work quickly and with ease. Akuko Magazine is looking for readers to help wade through the submissions and help narrow down the field of manuscripts for our judges and editors.
Interested in helping us out? Please fill out this interest form with your contact information and a short description of your background and why you’re interested in being a reader.
We are looking for experienced editors to work with authors to prepare their manuscripts for publication. As an editor, you will be a part of the initial reading process and will have the the additional responsibility of working with the prize winners and honorable mentions on improving their work.
Please note this is a volunteer position and your commitment will last from October 2020-May 2021, with the option of staying on after this period.
To apply to be an editor, we ask that you download the sample for the category you are interested in editing. Please submit an editorial letter and/or use track changes and comments to help us better understand your editing style.
While you are welcome to apply to be an editor in more than one category, if you are chosen as an editor it will be for only one.
Interested in helping us out? Please fill out this interest form with your contact information and a short description of your background and why you’re interested in being an editor.
Interested in our mission to curate and deliver African Stories? Please shoot us an email at detailing your expertise and why you will like to join us. We are currently building our team and looking for expertise in the following areas:
- Social Media Management
- Web Development
- Design and Illustration
- Animation
Please note that these will be unpaid positions.