Frequently Asked Questions

What does the Akuko team mean when we say we’re looking for “African stories”?
Stories that explore African experiences on the continent or in the Diaspora. The piece would center Black characters, culture and experiences. Expressed differently, we might explain what an African story is by defining it by what it is not. It does not center the white or colonial gaze, white saviorism, or explicit or implicit white supremacy. It does not diminish blackness in its diverse glory, nor explain or make blackness palatable for an audience.
I am a person of African descent, but don’t primarily identify as African. Is my story eligible for consideration?
Yes! We feel that as long as you are valorizing a Black culture and people, no matter how closely you feel to your African roots, your story is African and we want to hear it.
Is Akuko Magazine open to submissions from non-Black persons who identify as African? / Are non-white persons who identify as African eligbile to submit?
While the majority of Africans are Black, we recognize because of colonization and imperialism, other races and ethnic groups have also called Africa home for generations. We do not seek to exclude anyone who identifies as African from our publication. We simply ask that you check your story versus the kind of story we are looking for.
I’ve written a children’s story; is it eligible for submission?
We believe that “a children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest.” Ultimately, we are looking to publish good writing, period. However, we do not accept illustrated stories as submissions. If your story can standalone without illustrations, we invite you to submit it for consideration for whichever category you think it fits best. 
Can I submit a story that has already been published elsewhere?
Only stories that have not been previously published are eligible for prizes and publication in Akuko’s inaugural issue. However, if you have a previously published story you would like to share with us, you can submit it as part of our Featured Writers initiative.
Does my story have to fall under a specific theme?
For the inaugural issue, Akuko will have no theme other than the fundamental theme of Akuko: “amplifying african history and culture on the continent and in the diaspora”. You are welcome to submit stories on any themes and issues, so long as they meet the definitions of what we have defined as an African story: putting African issues or African descendent characters and cultures at the fore.
Still have questions? Please reach out to the team at or through our contact page. Head to submissions page to proceed with your submission.